Friday, September 5, 2014

My Goals

 As far as I can remember, everyone has always told me that I am a technology whiz. I, on the other hand disagree. It is not that I am good with it, I just have patience to sit there and click random buttons until I get my intended results. One of my goals for this class is to actually know and understand what I am doing.
Technology is a great tool to make learning exciting. Children need different learning environments to stay focused and engaged. Now with the Common Core, students are expected to read, understand, and respond to complex texts. These complex texts can be above grade level and the expectation is that closely reading a passage or text, students can achieve that true understanding of the text. However, there are many students who are not on grade-level and are expected to read, understand, and respond to the same text. It is that much harder for students to meet expectations. There are great tools and interactive services that can make close reading a text easier for students to do on their own. It is also important to use different tools inside the classroom to teach my current and future students about the emerging technological era.

I am excited to I get to practice making a Web Quest in class. I made one during my undergraduate career, but I never incorporated one into my own classroom. Another goal is to try to use Web Quests to make learning science and social studies more exciting for my students. However, one of my issues is that it is difficult to have access to enough computers or IPads for my students to complete this interactive activity. That is a major concern of mine, but I am determined to include at least one web quest for each science and social studies. 

I am also looking forward to learning about other tools and websites that I can use in my class to make learning as exciting and engaging as much as possible. This is a huge component for all teachers and we are being evaluated on our ability to engaged our students. I believe this class will definitely help me learn different ways to engage and make learning exciting and different for my students. I do have a SmartBoard in my classroom, but I do not have computers or a projector. I would love to use my SmartBoard everyday, but as of now it is kind of hard to do so. 


  1. Hi Bianca,
    This was a great blog. I can see your passion for teaching and trying to better yourself as an educator which is great. A lot of people just get a job and are satisfied with that, but it seems that you are striving to be the best teacher you can be and that is very commendable. I am also very interested with the Web Quest even though I have never used that program before. I would love to ask you some questions about teaching, because it seems that you actually understand what it takes to be a great teacher, which is my overall goal.

  2. Hi Biannca,
    It seems that we share some of the same concerns for our changing classrooms today. I too, want to learn how to create more engaging and interactive lessons through the use of technology. I have never created a web quest, I am extremely excited to learn all about them. I am struggling to understand smart notebook. I look forward to working with you this semester.

  3. Hello Bianca,

    I too find myself proficient enough to get by but feel like I can be doing much more. Compared to some of my co-workers, who are technophobes, I look like I incorporate a lot, however there are worlds I don't know about. I think WebQuests are great because they are student directed and the users can go at their own pace. Advanced students can delve deeper into learning and struggling students can spend the extra time they need to process. I hope that this can be more widely used in my class.

    Also, I'm sorry to hear your school doesn't have technology. Maybe you can get some donated from Donor's Choose!


  4. Hi everyone!

    I'm pretty sure I replied the other night, but I am not sure why my comment is posted!
    Thank you for those kind words! I can try to answer all of your questions- so feel free to ask away!
    Maybe we can try to work through our concerns and struggles together!

  5. Thank you Stephanie,

    I am in the middle of filing out a form on Donor's Choose.

  6. Hi Bianca,
    I can see from your blog post you are very passionate about teaching. I see how you challenge yourself to become a better teacher through constant change and new strategies. It is evident that you want to become the best teacher possible for your future students and I hope to do the same. I look forward to getting to know you this semester and pick up some techniques from you!
