Thursday, September 25, 2014

Chapter 4

My goal for my second year of teaching is to incorporate more technology into my instruction in hopes to keep my students engaged through an entire period. Like I have mentioned before, I do not have an abundance of technology available to me in my school. We have IPads and Laptops that the teachers on my floor have to sign out, but there is not enough of each for an entire class.

I recently signed up for Donor's Choose in hopes to bring in a projector for my classroom. I have a SmartBoard in my classroom, but no computer or projector to use it all day, every day. It would be impossible for me to sign out the projector for that length of time.

Unfortunately, I do not use technology in my classroom and I always thought of myself as a teacher who constantly used technology to promote learning and hopefully this year I will live up to that expectation. There are so many different ways of creating lessons and activities through incorporating technology into your planning and implementing of lessons. In class I learned about so many different ways to bring that creativity through. I wouldn't have even thought of half of those examples we saw in class. It is definitely helpful to see all those examples and hopefully use those ideas and translate them into my own style of teaching.


  1. Hello Bianca,

    I find it so crazy that your school spent the money on Smartboards but does not provide projectors in every classroom. I find that sometimes schools make these purchases without fully thinking through how they will be used in schools. That just wastes everyone's time and money. In fact, it's a disservice to the students.

    Also, I'm right with you. I would never think of using half of these ideas in the classroom. But I guess that is why we are in class!

  2. Hello Bianca,
    I think its a shame that we do not have a sufficient amount of ipad and laptops in the classrooms. Education is shifting very quickly to being mostly technology dependent. This class really is showing us different ways to incorporate technology in the classroom today. I know all of the different ways that we are learning in class are going to help me immensely when I get started.

  3. That is very sad, I understand your struggle. We grew up in a world without the incorporation of technology but now live in a world where we can't live without it. It must be frustrating as a teacher you want to make your lessons engaging and appealing to your students through the use of technology. There is only so much you can do without it.

  4. I've never heard of having a smartboard but not being able to use it! What was the point of them installing them if they couldn't give you the system as a whole? I can definitely see your frustration with that and empathize for that. However, I do suggest that you get technological with whatever you can. Something like the videos we saw last week in class, like the ones we're going to make will be able to be kept and used year after year for your classes if the content stays the same. Technology only makes our life easier in the long run!

  5. I think it is a great idea that you signed up with Donor's Choice! It seems like a great organization to help schools in need. While you do have limited access to technology you do seem to take advantage of the laptops/projectors which is good! Hopefully your school will be able to integrate more technology for the students to access.
