Saturday, November 15, 2014

Chapters 10 and 11

Chapter 10 discusses how teachers could incorporate technology into instruction to help meet the needs of diverse learners. Through technology, there are multiple ways to teach the different learner types. I have recently started to use the SmartBoard into my instruction. Unfortunately, I do not have the updated software on my laptop, so I have just been using PowerPoint. It has definitely made a difference with my students in terms of student engagement. There are many opportunities for the students to come up to the board and actually solve the math problems themselves, for example. I can also include visual pictures to help with any unfamiliar terms or concepts. I have also been playing many videos particularly in social studies and science. This addresses the visual and auditory learners in my class. The videos and images also allows the content to reach any ELLs in a classroom. If they are still learning the vocabulary, the images allow the students to make those connections.

Chapter 11 talks about the importance of assessment in teaching and learning. Yes, it is extremely important to base instruction on your students needs and abilities. That information comes from assessment and teacher observation. I remember in undergrad, one professor I had kept reinforcing the phrase "assessment drives instruction". I didn't realize how true that was until I was actually in the classroom. Although, I believe my school does formal assessments way too often. I think it is about every other month there is a formal assessment in the form of the ELA and Math state tests. Yes, that means over other month there are six days that my students are just being assessed. The information tells a lot in terms of what we still need to teach for the state tests, but in my opinion I think the students are just tired of the tests when it comes to the actual time students have to take the state tests.


  1. I agree with you, I think the SmartBoard is a great way to engage diverse learners into instruction. The visual images, text and sounds allow different representations for the students to absorb information! While for me it is time consuming because I am still learning SmartBoard technology, I think the students get a lot out of it so it is worth the extra time on my part.

  2. I agree with you , it was not until I began student teaching and using technology daily did I realize the power of it. Through the use of SMART board, I am able to enhance text, provide visuals, color code , and provide clear cut instruction for my students. My school uses timers to help students regulate and organize their time. I like the fact that the timer is right there big on the SMART board, they manage their time better. In our generation teachers use to write the time on the chalkboard, every 15 minutes ... thats if they remembered.

  3. I'm happy to hear that your students are more engaged in the lesson. Kids love anything with technology and jump at the chance- even if the task is something that wouldn't hold their attention during a regular lesson. When engagement is up more learning occurs!

  4. I love smart boards! Even as an adult I get excited to drag words around the board or use the pens to solve problems. I too have seen that when a lesson involves the smart board student engagement is definitely on the up, especially with the ELL's. I also think that smart board makes an impact on their education as it is definitely a great way for those who are visual learners to grasp the content

  5. I am not an expert on SMART boards but i do know that they make the teachers life a little easier, while also enhancing the learning experience for the student. I do think that it is a great way to teach diverse learners. We all know that students nowadays love technology so as long as they are learning with the SMART board it is a win-win for students and teachers.
