Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Google Cultural Institute

This is amazing! It allows anyone to virtually travel to a different place and even a different time period. This is great for students who do not have the means or opportunity to travel and explore the world. I know in third grade social studies, we study different countries throughout the world. I can definitely see myself implementing this website in my class as an introductory lesson for students to have an idea of what China, Italy, and Australia actually look like. Many of my students have never left the state, let alone the country, and if they did it was to visit their family in the Dominican Republic. Searching different pictures of the countries we study, allows students to actually picture in their own minds what and where they are studying. It all becomes "real" to them.

Takeaway Message:

I am definitely excited about putting together the WebQuest and actually implementing it into my own classroom to help enhance my students' writing. I am also eager about creating this instructional video with my group members!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Chapters 5 and 6

Chapter 5

It is so important that students are taught about to effectively and efficiently use search engines to help them research various topics. There are many sources online that provide various information for people, but not all of the information is credible. Students need to be taught how to filter what is useful and accurate and what is not a reliable source. It is very hard to regulate what people put online and to verify the actual information that is posted up online. Students have to research the information they are reading and determine if the source is credible.
Not only teaching students about how to filter out credible sources, but teachers also have to teach students how to actually complete an effective search for information they need. There are different ways to search for topics that they need. Keywords and exact match search are used to search topics. If you put in words in the search engine box, any website or article that has those words in it anywhere will pop up. However, if you put quotation marks around the keywords will bring up sources about the exact keyword you entered. Teaching students this skill is crucial for students to aid them in using the Internet for research purposes.

Chapter 6

This chapter focuses on various sources on the internet and how to use this websites. The chapter also discusses the varying types of websites that are available. There are different websites and each type of website offers something different and are used for different reasons. Bookmarking and information alerts are two tools that students should be familiar with. Bookmarking allows students to tab important and helpful websites so that they are readily available for use whenever they need to use them. Information alerts serve as an electronic notice that new information about a particular topic has just become available. This feature is helpful for students who are researching a topic for a project and are looking for updated sources about the topic that are researching.

1. What are some ways you would teach your students about verifying sources on the internet?
2. How would you incorporate using the internet to search in your own classrooms?